Dinner was pleasant as
always with Josh and Errol, they always knew how to brighten her day when she was feeling a
little down.
Later that evening in the office of Captain Martin Yates, after he had received the information from T.J. on
the sighting of the van. He had gathered his team of officers together and along
with Professor Hills was going over the plan to check out the adjoining property to the one T.J. had bought. It sounded very possible that that was where Walter had taken
“Now we are going
to have to take this very quietly, as we don’t want to frighten Walter. That may cause him to become violent and
he may harm Tiffany. So are we all clear on what is to be done.” Captain Yates stated.
Everyone nodded their understanding. Mitchell asked “So T.J. is going to just casually go over and introduce himself
as their next door neighbour.”
“Yes, he will make
it appear that he had noticed that someone had bought the property and was paying a neighbourly call. Offer any assistance they may need etc.” clarified the Sergeant.
“But from what he tells me about the description of the van, sounds very much like the one in the pictures from
the security tapes.”
Everything was set in place,
the police would wait in plain vehicles on T.J. s’ property and then as T.J.
was going to be wired they could hear what was going on. The trees between both properties would give a very good cover so they could approach the house without being
seen. But all caution would still
need to be taken.
Joelle had been
having one of those nights. She was rostered on the evening
service, and at night time you never knew what was going on around you. One of
the junior assistants had come into her office after shelving to report that she had seen
a couple partially undressed and getting amorous in the stacks. The girl was on just out of high school and this was her first job.
Joelle had phoned security to deal
with it and the red faced couple were escorted out of the building, after having their details taken.
A knock came on Joelles door “Excuse me Joelle.” Joelle
looked up to see Dr Denver Anvers at the door.
“Hello Denver, do come in.”
Dr Anvers was a very interesting person. He was head of the Medical faculty, he stood around 6 feet
5 inches. Black hair, the most incredible Blue eyes Joelle had ever seen. He worked out at the gym, which gave him a very muscular appearance. His voice was deep, but quiet. And when
he smiled, it made all the girls hearts miss a beat. He had come to the University
Several years ago from Toronto, where he had been in semi retirement.
But the opportunity to work with the medical faculty at the Wattle
Grange University was too much
for him to refuse. He was only fairly young still. He had only just turned 48 a few months back, and was loving every minute of working with the team of very
dedicated Medical Researchers.
“I was wondering if you had
time to help me with some research?” He questioned.
“Sure take a seat, and I’ll
see what I can do.”
He sat down on the seat next to Joelle
and told her of the research he was doing. The smell of his aftershave was enough to make her heart miss a beat.
“Now it will take me a few days
to get all this information for you, ill send you an email when
I’ve found it.” Joelle said at the end
2 hours. “Its going to be a good challenge
for me, I think we may have some of this information in our special collections. Ill get Dickson, who is the only one there at the moment, to do a search of the collection once I’ve
gone and sorted out what it is we are looking for..”
“Thanks Joelle you’re
a peach.” He said as he got up to leave. “Oh by the way, are you
free next Friday evening, I was hoping to talk you into coming to a departmental function as my date.” He blushed a little,
he had, had a liking for Joelle for a long time, and always tried to get some excuse to call or come over to see her.
“Why that would be lovely,”
Joelle said, blushing almost as much as Denver
was “I would like that very much. Thank you for asking.”
She gave him her details as to where
to pick her up.
walked out of the library a very happy man, Joelle was just as happy. She had
sensed that they had a special bond, her heart always skipped a beat when he was around.
Tiffany heard a vehicle
pull up out side. She race to the window seeing a black van pull up, and Walter
getting out. She felt panicked. What
was she going to do, she had tried all the doors and windows but there was no escape.
She did not know what to do, or where to turn. “Ok” she thought
to herself. “If I stay calm and go along with him, I may find a way to
get out.”
Just then the door opened and in came Walter with a bag of
“Hi Honey I’m
home I’m sorry I was so long, there was so much to get done before we go on our holiday.” He sounded bright and cheerful as though they were married and had a life together.
She wandered what she should
do or say, she quickly offered to help put the groceries away and bide her time. She
had heard of people like Walter turning nasty if they felt they were not in control.
She offered to make a cup of tea for him.
As she took the bags, he
turned and locked the door. Nausea filled her mind and stomach, this was not
going to be easy.
She chatted to him pleasantly,
they talked about ‘their’ holiday, and what he was planning on. He
was obviously very delusional. She thought by now they would have already started
the search for her, but did not know how long it would be, she thought she had only been
in the house for 2 or 3 days, but was a little confused. He had obviously been planning this for ages, and the place was set up beautifully.
She made a point of commenting on how lovely this place was and how much
she liked the décor.
Just then a knock came on the door, Walter looked annoyed, Tiffany felt a glimmer of hope arise.
“Stay there!”
he commanded as he went to the door to see who it was. He was not happy that someone had intruded on his time with his beloved Tiffany.
He opened
the door, putting a pleasant look on his face. “Yes can I help you” He said politely.
“Good morning, I’m T.J. Zedka I have the cabin
next door. I noticed that this place had new occupants so I thought I would pop
in to introduce myself and offer any help you may need.” All the while
he was talking he was looking past the door to see if he could see any sight of Tiffany.
“Good morning, its nice to meet
you. Yes my wife and I bought this place not long ago. We have only recently been married.
She is a little unwell and is laying down at the moment. Otherwise I would have invited you in.” Walter felt
agitated but tried to keep a calm persona.
“You sure have done wonders
to this place, last I saw it, it was a real shambles.” T.J. was trying to keep things light and unthreatening. Just then
he saw Tiffany step cautiously out from behind the door at the far end. He made a quick mental note that is was her. And used the prearranged code of “Say is that a Georgian side board.” To indicate that he had seen Tiffany.
Tiffany quickly ducked back into the
kitchen, Walter glanced around, “Oh no its Edwardian, so many people get the two periods mixed up.” He was very impressed that someone would take an interest in the furniture.
“I would love to have a look
at some of the other furniture you have. I am a collector, and know of someone
who is selling several pieces you may be interested in.” T.J. offered. “After you wife is feeling a little better of course.”
“That would be great, we are
always looking for new pieces. But we are going off next week on our honeymoon. And won’t be back for several weeks. So
Ill drop over and arrange something when we get back.” Walter was sounding very confident that he had things under
“Well Give my regards to your
wife, I look forward to meeting her, and you when you get back.” With that T.J. left, “Did you get that?” he said into the microphone he had concealed. He then made some general comments
on what he had seen. “Bars on
windows, heavy locks on doors and windows. Stairs are on the right of the front
door.” By the time he had got back to the command post they had all the
information they needed.
“Right,” Captain Yeats
stated “We are going to need to take action quickly. Hanson, I want you
to turn off the electricity. Morgan your team is to keep observation on all sides
of the house. Any sign of Tiffany coming outside grab her. But don’t put her or yourself in danger, we don’t know if he is packing a gun. Andress have your men tap the phone lines so that if he makes
a call about the power outage we can trap the call and act as the power company and send
in some of our men in their place. Has
someone got the uniforms from the power company… good now lets keep our eyes open
get this finished safely and quickly. Mitch I want you to stay with me.” With the instructions given, everyone flew
into action.
The power was cut off, Officer Morgan
had 20 men stationed around the perimeter of the house. As predicted within 10 minutes of the power being cut off, Walter came outside to the fuse box. and could not get the power on. He looked frustrated. One
of the officers on the perimeter gave a running report as to what he was doing. The
team on the phone tap kept alert. Sure enough
someone from inside the house phoned.
The Phone team had a monitor to indicate
the number being called so they could instantly know who was being contacted. Luckily
it was the number for the phone company. One of the female officers got on the
line and initiated contact.
“Electricity Plus, Merrill speaking
how can I help you.” She felt a little uneasy but kept her voice as light
and friendly as possible.
“Yes this is Walter Milling
of Lot 776 Mine Hill Rise, We seem to have a power outage at our place, can you let me know if there is a problem in the area.”
“One moment
sir and ill check for you”. The officer put him on hold with the usual
phone music. Several moments later
she came back to him. “Mr Milling,”
“Yes.” Replied Walter.
“There does not appear to be
any problem in the general area.”
Walter thought for a moment. “Would you be able to send someone to check our supply. I only recently bought the house. The place was in a bit of
a shambles, so there could be something with our lines.”
“I can arrange that, just one
moment and Ill
see if there is a crew van near you.” She placed him on hold and queried
if they had been able to borrow one of the electric companies vans.
“Yes, Mr Milling there is a
van not more than 30 minutes away from you. But they are in the middle of another
job. Would 4pm this afternoon
be convenient.”
“Yes that would be good,” He commented, he then
gave her directions to the house.
“Thank you sir, Mike and Fred
will be there as promptly as possible.” She hung up and informed them that the operation was on.
Mary Emmerson had worked
in the library for well over 45 years, she had. She had worked in several sections
of the library. From the loans and enquiry
desk. To the reference section, and
even was in charge of the special collections for some time. She had been Associate Librarian of library services for 15
of those years. She loved her job, and always made a point of keeping in touch
with the staff and what was going on with each section under her charge. After
so long Mary thought it was time to hand in her retirement notice, after all she
had been there since she was 16. And
45 years of working in one place, as much as she loved it, was a little trying.
She had the letter already
typed up on her computer and all she needed to do was to print the letter out and send
it off to Mr Bigell. It would be a happy day when
she saw the last of that man. She thought he was not very nice to the lower level
staff. As he felt it was beneath him
to speak to them.
After printing off the
letter and signing it, Mary put it in the out going mail for her secretary, Amy to send
off the following morning.
Mary had very fond memories
of most of the time she worked in the library. She was very fond of most of the
staff, and had come to know them very well. Always pleasant and taking the time
to stop and chat, catch up with what was going on in every ones life. When Mary had heard of the death of Mildred Mansaw’s parents
she had organised a collection to be taken from the entire
library staff. She had personally delivered it, telling Mildred to take as much
time off as she liked.
“You know, Mildred” she said to her several weeks back, “I’m thinking of retiring soon, and
I hope that you will put in an application for the job. You would be wonderful
at it.”
Mildred had not been too thrilled with that idea, but had been giving
it some thought.
After organising a few
last minute details for Amy to attend to she decided to leave early and catch up
on some of her reading and cross stitch, which seems to take forever if you don’t get the time to do it.
Mildred had sat for days
with the white box from her parents garage, staring at her. She knew she would have to open it sooner or later. So she decided to take a deep breath and sat down to open the
last remaining item that was to connect her to her parents.
The hinge was a little
rusty as was the lock, it took a good dose of WD40 to get it loose enough to open. The lid creaked open,
the smell of dust and mould hit her. Reaching in the first thing she pulled out
was a small box which had her name written on it.
She opened the box and found a set of baby clothes. She smiled to herself and examined each of the 8 tiny garments
that were inside. Fortunately they were still in good condition, so she would,
see her friend Mrs Banning and ask her for advice on how to keep them in good condition. Mrs Banning had worked for the historical society for a number of years in the Childhood
museum and had several lovely clothes that were dating back to 1845.
Next out of the box she
pulled a pair of bronzed booties, also with her name on it and her birthday date.
“Were my feet ever
that small” She chuckled to herself.
She was momentarily distracted by a knock at the door. She opened it to find Errol, Josh and Joelle standing there, They had got some Chinese take away and
bought it over for the evening.
“Oh Mil Darling,
I see you have taken a leap and decided to open
that lovely little box.” Josh gushed
“so what goodies have we discovered so far.”
Mildred showed them into
the living room, then went into the
kitchen to get some plates and cutlery. On
returning she showed them the lovely little clothes and booties.
Reaching in again she found
some old papers, Sorting through them, she found her baby passport, “Hmmm
I must have done some travelling when we were young, shame I don’t remember it.” Next she found letters
written by people she knew as a child but who had passed away now, they all seem
to be character references for her parents. There was one from Nice Professor Martin who her father worked for. One from the Police commissioner, one from the minister of
the church Reverend Obadiah Jacobs, and one from the mayor of the city, who was
a personal friend of her mothers. This
confused everyone. Why would they need character references. Further shuffling of the papers she came across a carefully preserved envelope that had the name of a New Zealand
“Gosh this is getting
exciting” exclaimed Errol, who had who had suddenly turned pail on seeing
the name of the hospital, and recognising it was the same hospital his mother had told him he was born at. Hattie had told him that at birth she had named him Austen Manning
Wallford-Millington after her grand father.
But the name on the Certificate
inside was Amanda Emma Wallford-Millington. There was a gasp from all in the
room. Errol and Mildred just looked at each other. Behind this piece of paper
was an adoption certificate and a change of name authorisation to change the Childs name from Amanda Emma Wallford-Millington
to Mildred Agnes Mansaw.
©Colleen Hunter 2004